Creating, moving, and copying
Creating things
Covered topics: creating directories with mkdir
, using nano
text editor, deleting with rm
$ mkdir thesis
$ ls -F
$ ls -F thesis
$ cd thesis
$ nano draft.txt # let's spend few minutes learning how to use nano; can also use other editors
$ ls
$ more draft.txt # displays a file one page at a time
$ cd ..
$ rm thesis # getting an error - why?
$ rmdir thesis # again getting an error - why?
$ rm thesis/draft.txt
$ rmdir thesis
Also could do ‘rm -r thesis’ in lieu of the last two commands.
You can watch a video for this topic after the workshop.
Moving and copying things
Covered topics: mv
and cp
$ mkdir thesis
$ nano thesis/draft.txt
$ ls thesis
$ mv thesis/draft.txt thesis/quotes.txt
$ ls thesis
$ mv thesis/quotes.txt . # . stands for current directory
$ ls thesis
$ ls
$ ls quotes.txt
$ cp quotes.txt thesis/quotations.txt
$ ls quotes.txt thesis/quotations.txt
$ rm quotes.txt
$ ls quotes.txt thesis/quotations.txt
More than two arguments to mv
and cp
$ touch intro.txt methods.txt index.txt # create three empty files
$ ls
$ mv intro.txt methods.txt index.txt thesis # the last argument is the destination directory
$ ls
$ ls thesis
Question `misspelled file`
Suppose that you created a .txt file in your current directory to contain a list of the statistical tests you will need
to do to analyze your data, and named it statstics.txt
. After creating and saving this file, you realize you
misspelled the filename! You want to correct the mistake, which of the following commands could you use to do so?
cp statstics.txt statistics.txt
mv statstics.txt statistics.txt
mv statstics.txt .
cp statstics.txt .
You can watch a video for this topic after the workshop.
Aliases are one-line shortcuts/abbreviations to avoid typing a longer command, e.g.
$ alias ls='ls -AFh'
$ alias pwd='pwd -P'
$ alias hi='history'
$ alias top='top -o cpu -s 10 -stats "pid,command,cpu,mem,threads,state,user"' # MacOS only
$ alias top='top -b -n 1 -o %CPU | head -n 20' # Linux
$ alias cedar='ssh -Y'
$ alias weather='curl'
$ alias cal='cal -m' # starts on Monday
$ alias cal='gcal --starting-day=1' # if you use gcal instead; need gcal installed
Now, instead of typing ssh -Y
, you can simply type cedar
. To see all your
defined aliases, type alias
. To remove, e.g. the alias cedar
, type unalias cedar
You may want to put all your alias definitions into the file ~/.bashrc
which is run every time you
start a new local or remote shell.
Question `safer mv and cp`
Write simple aliases for safermv
, cp
so that these do not automatically overwrite the target. Hint: use their
manual pages. Where would you store these aliases?
Question `safer rm`
Write simple alias for saferrm
Question 3.4
What is the output of the last ls
command in the sequence shown below?
$ pwd
$ ls
$ mkdir recombine
$ mv proteins.dat recombine
$ cp recombine/proteins.dat ../proteins-saved.dat
$ ls
proteins-saved.dat recombine
proteins.dat recombine