GPU computing with Chapel

 Table of contents

December 5th (Part 1) and 12th (Part 2)
10:00am–noon Pacific Time

Chapel was designed as a parallel-first programming language targeting any hardware that supports parallel execution: multicore processors, multiple nodes in an HPC cluster, and now also GPUs on HPC systems. This is very different from the traditional approach to parallel programming in which you would use a dedicated tool for each level of hardware parallelism, e.g. MPI, or OpenMP, or CUDA, etc.

Later in this workshop I will show a compact Chapel code that uses multiple nodes on a cluster, multiple GPUs on each node, and automatically utilizes all available (in our Slum job) CPU cores on each node, while copying the data as needed between all these hardware layers. But let’s start with the basics!

Running GPU Chapel on the Alliance systems

In general, you need to configure and compile Chapel for your specific GPU type and your specific cluster interconnect. For NVIDIA and AMD GPUs (the only ones currently supported), you must use LLVM as the backend compiler. With NVIDIA GPUs, you must build LLVM to use LLVM’s NVPTX backend to support GPU programming, so usually you cannot use the system-provided LLVM module – instead you should set CHPL_LLVM=bundled during Chapel compilation.

As of this writing, on the Alliance systems, you can use GPUs from Chapel on the following systems:

  1. native multi-locale on Cedar, Graham, Béluga, Narval; the binaries might not be in place everywhere, so please get in touch if you want to run it on a specific system
  2. on an Arbutus VM in a project with access to vGPUs (our plan for today)
  3. via a single-locale GPU Chapel container on any Alliance system (clusters, cloud) with NVIDIA GPUs; let me know if you would like to access this container

Efforts are underway to compile native Chapel 2.2 as a series of modules on all Alliance systems, but that might take a while.

Running GPU Chapel on your computer

If you have an NVIDIA GPU on your computer and run Linux, and have all the right GPU drivers and CUDA installed, it should be fairly straightforward to compile Chapel with GPU support. Here is what worked for me in AlmaLinux 9.4. Please let me know if these steps do not work for you.

In Windows, Chapel with GPU support works under the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as explained in this post. You could also run Chapel inside a Docker container, although you need to find a GPU-enabled Docker image.

Today’s setup

Today’s we’ll run Chapel on the virtual training cluster. We’ll now distribute the usernames and passwords – let’s try to log in.

There are two Chapel configurations we will use today.

  1. Chapel with GPU support compiled for NVIDIA cards. We have 1 virtual GPU on the training cluster to share among all participants and the instructor, so we won’t be able to use it all at the same time. The idea is to try your final production code on this GPU allocating it only for a couple of minutes at a time per user:
#SBATCH --time=00:02:00
#SBATCH --mem=3600
#SBATCH --gpus-per-node=1
chpl --fast test.chpl
source /project/def-sponsor00/shared/syncHPC/
  1. We will be doing most debugging on CPUs using the so-called ‘CPU-as-device’ mode to run a GPU code on a CPU. This is very handy for debugging a Chapel GPU code on a computer without a dedicated GPU and/or vendor SDK installed. You can find more details on this mode here. To enable this mode, I recompiled Chapel with export CHPL_GPU=cpu, but you need to load this version of Chapel separately, and you can use it via an interactive job:
source /project/def-sponsor00/shared/syncHPC/
salloc --time=2:0:0 --mem=3600
chpl --fast test.chpl

In this mode there are some restrictions, e.g. data movement between the device and the host will not be captured (as there are no data moved!), some parallel reductions might not be available in this mode (to be confirmed), and the GPU kernel breakdown might be different. Still, all GPU kernels will be launched on the CPU, and you can even use some of the Chapel’s diagnostic features in this mode, e.g. @assertOnGpu and @gpu.assertEligible attributes will fail at compile time for ineligible loops.

Please do not start nested Slurm jobs. When switching from one Chapel configuration to the other, please do this on the login node.

Useful built-in variables

From inside your Chapel code, you can access the following predefined variables:

  • Locales is the list of locales (nodes) that your code can run on (invoked in code execution)
  • numLocales is the number of these locales
  • here is the current locale (node), and by extension current CPU
  • is its name
  • here.maxTaskPar is the number of CPU cores on this locale
  • here.gpus is the list of available GPUs on this locale (sometimes called “sublocales”)
  • here.gpus.size is the number of available GPUs on this locale
  • here.gpus[0] is the first GPU on this locale

Let’s try some of these out; store this code as test.chpl:

writeln("Locales: ", Locales);
writeln("on ",, " I see ", here.gpus.size, " GPUs");
writeln("and their names are: ", here.gpus);
chpl --fast test.chpl
Locales: LOCALE0
on I see 1 GPUs
and their names are: LOCALE0-GPU0

There is one GPU (even in ‘CPU-as-device’ mode), and it is available to us as the first (and only) element of the array here.gpus.

Our first GPU code

To benefit from GPU acceleration, you want to run a computation that can be broken into many independent identical pieces. An obvious example is a for loop in which each loop iteration does not depend on other iterations. Let’s run such an example on the GPU:

config const n = 10;
on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int;     // kernel launch to initialize an array
  foreach i in 1..n do   // thread parallelism on a CPU or a GPU => kernel launch
    A[i] = i**2;
  writeln("A = ", A);    // copy A to host
A = 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
  • the array A is stored on the GPU
  • order-independent loops will be executed in parallel on the GPU
  • if instead of parallel foreach we use serial for, the loop will run on the CPU
  • in our case the array A is both stored and computed on the GPU in parallel
  • currently, to be computed on a GPU, an array must be stored on that GPU
  • in general, when you run a code block on the device, parallel lines inside will launch kernels

Alternative syntax

We can modify this code so that it runs on a GPU if present; otherwise, it will run on the CPU:

var operateOn =
  if here.gpus.size > 0 then here.gpus[0]   // use the first GPU
  else here;                                // use the CPU
writeln("operateOn: ", operateOn);
config const n = 10;
on operateOn {
  var A: [1..n] int;
  foreach i in 1..n do
    A[i] = i**2;
  writeln("A = ", A);

Of course, in ‘CPU-as-device’ mode this code will always run on the CPU.

You can also force a GPU check by hand:

if here.gpus.size == 0 {
  writeln("need a GPU ...");
operateOn = here.gpus[0];

GPU diagnostics

Wrap our code into the following lines:

use GpuDiagnostics;
operateOn: LOCALE0-GPU0
A = 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
(kernel_launch = 2, host_to_device = 0, device_to_host = 10, device_to_device = 0)
in 'CPU-as-device' mode: (kernel_launch = 2, host_to_device = 0, device_to_host = 0, device_to_device = 0)

Let’s break down the events:

  1. we have two kernel launches
  var A: [1..n] int;     // kernel launch to initialize an array
  foreach i in 1..n do   // kernel launch to run a loop in parallel
    A[i] = i**2;
  1. we copy 10 array elements device-to-host to print them (not shown in ‘CPU-as-device’ mode)
  writeln("A = ", A);
  1. no other data transfer

Let’s take a look at the example from They define a function:

use GpuDiagnostics;
proc numKernelLaunches() {
  stopGpuDiagnostics();   // assuming you were running one before
  var result = getGpuDiagnostics().kernel_launch;
  startGpuDiagnostics();  // restart diagnostics
  return result;

which can then be applied to these 3 examples (all in one on here.gpus[0] block):

on here.gpus[0] {
  var E = 2 * [1,2,3,4,5]; // one kernel launch to initialize the array
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);

  use Math;
  const n = 10;
  var A = [i in 0..#n] sin(2 * pi * i / n); // one kernel launch
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 1);

  var rows, cols = 1..5;
  var Square: [rows, cols] int;         // one kernel launch
  foreach (r, c) in Square.indices do   // one kernel launch
    Square[r, c] = r * 10 + c;
  assert(numKernelLaunches() == 2); // 2 on GPU and 7 on CPU-as-device
On CPU-as-device we have 7 kernel launches in the last block. My initial interpretation: one launch to initialize `Square` + one launch to access `Square.indices` + one launch per loop iteration, but it's actually not entire correct ...
Question 1 Let’s play with this in the CPU-as-device mode! Make the upper limit of rows, cols a config variable, recompile, and play with the array size.

Verifying if a loop can run on a GPU

The loop attribute @assertOnGpu (applied to a loop) does two things:

  1. at compilation, will fail to compile a code that cannot run on a GPU and will tell you why
  2. at runtime, will halt execution if called from outside a GPU

Consider the following serial code:

config const n = 10;
on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int;
  for i in 1..n do
    A[i] = i**2;
  writeln("A = ", A);
A = 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100

This code compiles fine (chpl --fast test.chpl), and it appears to run fine, printing the array. But it does not run on the GPU! Let’s mark the for loop with @assertOnGpu and try to compile it again. Now we get:

error: loop marked with @assertOnGpu, but 'for' loops don't support GPU execution

Serial for loops cannot run on a GPU! Without @assertOnGpu the code compiled for and ran on the CPU. To port this code to the GPU, replace for with either foreach or forall (both are parallel loops), and it should compile with @assertOnGpu.

When running in 'CPU-as-device' mode, `@assertOnGpu` attribute will produce a warning "ignored with CHPL_GPU=cpu".

Alternatively, you can count kernel launches – it’ll be zero for the for loop.

More on @assertOnGpu and other attributes at

In Chapel 2.2 there is a new additional attribute `@gpu.assertEligible` that asserts that a statement is suitable for GPU execution (same as `@assertOnGpu`), without requiring it to be executed on a GPU. This is perfect in the 'CPU-as-device' mode: fails to compile a `for` loop, but no warnings at runtime.

Timing on the CPU

Let’s pack our computation into a function, so that we can call it from both a CPU and a GPU. For timing, we can use a stopwatch from the Time module:

use Time;

config const n = 10;
var watch: stopwatch;

proc squares(device) {
  on device {
    var A: [1..n] int;
    foreach i in 1..n do
      A[i] = i**2;
    writeln("A = ", A[n-2..n]); // last 3 elements

writeln("--- on CPU:"); watch.start();
watch.stop(); writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');


writeln("--- on GPU:"); watch.start();
watch.stop(); writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');
$ chpl --fast test.chpl
$ ./test --n=100_000_000
--- on CPU:
A = 9999999600000004 9999999800000001 10000000000000000
It took 7.94598 seconds
--- on GPU:
A = 9999999600000004 9999999800000001 10000000000000000
It took 0.003673 seconds

You can also call start and stop functions from inside the on device block – they will still run on the CPU. We will see an example of this later in this workshop.

Timing on the GPU

Obtaining timing from within a running CUDA kernel is tricky as you are running potentially thousands of simultaneous threads, so you definitely cannot measure the wallclock time. However, you can measure GPU clock cycles spent on a partucular part of the kernel function. The GPU module provides a function gpuClock() that returns the clock cycle counter (per multiprocessor), and it needs to be called to time code blocks within a GPU-enabled loop.

Here is an example (modelled after measureGpuCycles.chpl) to demonstrate its use. This is not the most efficient code, as on the GPU we are parallelizing the loop with n=10 iterations, and then inside each iteration we run a serial loop to keep the (few non-idle) GPU cores busy, but it gives you an idea.

Do not run this code in the 'CPU-as-device' mode, as its output will not be particularly meaningful: you need a physical GPU to see actual counts.
use GPU;

config const n = 10;

on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [1..n] int;
  var clockDiff: [1..n] uint;
  @assertOnGpu foreach i in 1..n {
    var start, stop: uint;
    A[i] = i**2;
    start = gpuClock();
    for j in 0..<1000 do
      A[i] += i*j;
    stop = gpuClock();
    clockDiff[i] = stop - start;
  writeln("Cycle count = ", clockDiff);
  writeln("Time = ", (clockDiff[1]: real) / (gpuClocksPerSec(0): real), " seconds");
  writeln("A = ", A);
Cycle count = 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132 227132
Time = 0.148452 seconds
A = 49501 49604 49709 49816 49925 50036 50149 50264 50381 50500

Prime factorization of each element of a large array

Now let’s compute a more interesting problem where we do some significant processing of each element, but independently of other elements – this will port nicely to a GPU.

Prime factorization of an integer number is finding all its prime factors. For example, the prime factors of 60 are 2, 2, 3, and 5. Let’s write a function that takes an integer number and returns the sum of all its prime factors. For example, for 60 it will return 2+2+3+5 = 12, for 91 it will return 7+13 = 20, for 101 it will return 101, and so on.

proc primeFactorizationSum(n: int) {
  var num = n, output = 0, count = 0;
  while num % 2 == 0 {
    num /= 2;
    count += 1;
  for j in 1..count do output += 2;
  for i in 3..(sqrt(n:real)):int by 2 {
    count = 0;
    while num % i == 0 {
      num /= i;
      count += 1;
    for j in 1..count do output += i;
  if num > 2 then output += num;
  return output;

We can test it quickly:


Since 1 has no prime factors, we will start computing from 2, and then will apply this function to all integers in the range 2..n, where n is a larger number. We will do all computations separately from scratch for each number, i.e. we will not cache our results (caching can significantly speed up our calculations but the point here is to focus on brute-force computing).

With the procedure primeFactorizationSum defined, here is the CPU version primesSerial.chpl:

config const n = 10;
var A: [2..n] int;
for i in 2..n do
  A[i] = primeFactorizationSum(i);

var lastFewDigits =
  if n > 5 then n-4..n  // last 5 digits
  else 2..n;            // or fewer

writeln("A = ", A[lastFewDigits]);

Here is the GPU version primesGPU.chpl:

config const n = 10;
on here.gpus[0] {
  var A: [2..n] int;
  @gpu.assertEligible foreach i in 2..n do
    A[i] = primeFactorizationSum(i);
  var lastFewDigits =
    if n > 5 then n-4..n  // last 5 digits
    else 2..n;            // or fewer
  writeln("A = ", A[lastFewDigits]);
chpl --fast primesSerial.chpl
./primesSerial --n=10_000_000
chpl --fast primesGPU.chpl
./primesGPU --n=10_000_000

In both cases we should see the same output:

A = 4561 1428578 5000001 4894 49

Let’s add timing to both codes:

use Time;
var watch: stopwatch;
watch.stop(); writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');

Note that this problem does not scale linearly with n, as with larger numbers you will get more primes. Here are my timings on Cedar’s V100 GPU:

n CPU time in sec GPU time in sec
1_000_000 3.04051 0.001649
10_000_000 92.8213 0.042215
100_000_000 2857.04 1.13168

Finer control

There are various settings that you can fine-tune via attributes for maximum performance, e.g. you can change the number of threads per block (default 512, should be a multiple of 32) when launching kernels:

 @gpu.blockSize(64) foreach i in 1..128 { ...}

You can also change the default when compiling Chapel via CHPL_GPU_BLOCK_SIZE variable, or when compiling Chapel codes by passing the flag --gpu-block-size=<block_size> to Chapel compiler

Another setting to play with is the number of iterations per thread:

@gpu.itersPerThread(4) foreach i in 1..128 { ... }

This setting is probably specific to your computational problem. For these and other per-kernel attributes, please see this page.

Multiple locales and multiple GPUs

If we have access to multiple locales and then multiple GPUs on each of those locales, we would utilize all this processing power through two nested loops, first cycling through all locales and then through all available GPUs on each locale:

coforall loc in Locales do
  on loc {
    writeln("on ",, " I see ", loc.gpus.size, " GPUs");
    coforall gpu in loc.gpus {
	  on gpu {
		... do some work in parallel ...

Here we assume that we are running inside a multi-node job on the cluster, e.g.

salloc --time=1:0:0 --nodes=3 --mem-per-cpu=3600 --gpus-per-node=2 --account=...
chpl --fast test.chpl
./test -nl 3

How would we use this approach in practice? Let’s consider our primes factorization problem. Suppose we want to collect the results on one node (LOCALE0), maybe for printing or for some additional processing. We need to break our array A into pieces, each computed on a separate GPU from the total pool of 6 GPUs available to us inside this job. Here is our approach, following the ideas outlined in – let’s store this file as primesGPU-distributed.chpl:

import RangeChunk.chunks;

proc primeFactorizationSum(n: int) {

config const n = 1000;
var A_on_host: [2..n] int;   // suppose we want to collect the results on one node (LOCALE0)

// let's assume that numLocales = 3

coforall (loc, locChunk) in zip(Locales, chunks(2..n, numLocales)) {
  /* loc=LOCALE0, locChunk=2..334 */
  /* loc=LOCALE1, locChunk=335..667 */
  /* loc=LOCALE2, locChunk=668..1000 */
  on loc {
    writeln("loc = ", loc, "   chunk = ", locChunk);
	const numGpus = here.gpus.size;
	coforall (gpu, gpuChunk) in zip(here.gpus, chunks(locChunk, numGpus)) {
	  /* on LOCALE0 will see gpu=LOCALE0-GPU0, gpuChunk=2..168 */
	  /*                     gpu=LOCALE0-GPU1, gpuChunk=169..334 */
	  on gpu {
		writeln("loc = ", loc, "   gpu = ", gpu, "   chunk = ", gpuChunk);
		var A_on_device: [gpuChunk] int;
		foreach i in gpuChunk do
		  A_on_device[i] = primeFactorizationSum(i);
		A_on_host[gpuChunk] = A_on_device; // copy the chunk from the GPU via the host to LOCALE0

var lastFewDigits = if n > 5 then n-4..n else 2..n;   // last 5 or fewer digits
writeln("last few A elements: ", A_on_host[lastFewDigits]);

Running multi-GPU code on Cedar

When we run this code on 2 Cedar nodes with 2 GPUs per node:

source /home/razoumov/
cd ~/scratch
salloc --time=0:15:0 --nodes=2 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem-per-cpu=3600 --gpus-per-node=v100l:2 \
chpl --fast primesGPU-distributed.chpl
./primesGPU-distributed -nl 2

we get the following output:

loc = LOCALE0   chunk = 2..501
loc = LOCALE0   gpu = LOCALE0-GPU0   chunk = 2..251
loc = LOCALE0   gpu = LOCALE0-GPU1   chunk = 252..501
loc = LOCALE1   chunk = 502..1000
loc = LOCALE1   gpu = LOCALE1-GPU0   chunk = 502..751
loc = LOCALE1   gpu = LOCALE1-GPU1   chunk = 752..1000
last few A elements: 90 997 501 46 21

Distributed A_on_host array

In the code above, the array A_on_host resides entirely in host’s memory on one node. With a sufficiently large problem, you can distribute A_on_host across multiple nodes using block distribution:

use BlockDist; // use standard block distribution module to partition the domain into blocks
config const n = 1000;
const distributedMesh: domain(1) dmapped new blockDist(boundingBox={2..n}) = {2..n};
var A_on_host: [distributedMesh] int;

This way, when copying from device to host, you will copy only to the locally stored part of A_on_host.

Julia set problem

In the Julia set problem we need to compute a set of points on the complex plane that remain bound under infinite recursive transformation $f(z)$. We will use the traditional form $f(z)=z^2+c$, where $c$ is a complex constant. Here is our algorithm:

  1. pick a point $z_0\in\mathbb{C}$
  2. compute iterations $z_{i+1}=z_i^2+c$ until $|z_i|>4$ (arbitrary fixed radius; here $c$ is a complex constant)
  3. store the iteration number $\xi(z_0)$ at which $z_i$ reaches the circle $|z|=4$
  4. limit max iterations at 255
    4.1 if $\xi(z_0)=255$, then $z_0$ is a stable point
    4.2 the quicker a point diverges, the lower its $\xi(z_0)$ is
  5. plot $\xi(z_0)$ for all $z_0$ in a rectangular region $-1<=\mathfrak{Re}(z_0)<=1$, $-1<=\mathfrak{Im}(z_0)<=1$

We should get something conceptually similar to this figure (here $c = 0.355 + 0.355i$; we’ll get drastically different fractals for different values of $c$):

Note: you might want to try these values too:

  • $c = 1.2e^{1.1πi}$ $~\Rightarrow~$ original textbook example
  • $c = -0.4-0.59i$ and 1.5X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ denser spirals
  • $c = 1.34-0.45i$ and 1.8X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ beans
  • $c = 0.34-0.05i$ and 1.2X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ connected spiral boots

Below is the serial code juliaSetSerial.chpl:

use Time;

config const n = 2_000;   // 2000^2 image
var watch: stopwatch;
config const save = false;

proc pixel(z0) {
  const c = 0.355 + 0.355i;
  var z = z0*1.2;   // zoom out
  for i in 1..255 {
    z = z*z + c;
    if****2 >= 16 then // abs(z)>=4 does not work with LLVM
      return i;
  return 255;

writeln("Computing ", n, "x", n, " Julia set ...");
var stability: [1..n,1..n] int;
for i in 1..n {
  var y = 2*(i-0.5)/n - 1;
  for j in 1..n {
    var point = 2*(j-0.5)/n - 1 + y*1i;
    stability[i,j] = pixel(point);
writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');
chpl  --fast juliaSetSerial.chpl

It took me 2.34679 seconds to compute a $2000^2$ fractal.

Porting the Julia set problem to a GPU

Let’s port this problem to a GPU! Copy juliaSetSerial.chpl to juliaSetGPU.chpl and make the following changes.

Step 1 (optional, will work only on a physical GPU):

> if here.gpus.size == 0 {
>   writeln("need a GPU ...");
>   exit(1);
> }

As of this writing, Chapel 2.2 does not support complex arithmetic on a GPU. Independently of the precision, you will get errors at compilation (if marked with @gpu.assertEligible):

error: Loop is marked with @gpu.assertEligible but is not eligible for execution on a GPU
... function calls out to extern function (_chpl_complex128), which is not marked as GPU eligible
... function calls out to extern function (_chpl_complex64), which is not marked as GPU eligible

If not marked with @gpu.assertEligible, the code compiles with complex arithmetic on a GPU, but it seems to take forever to finish.

Fortunately, we can implement complex arithmetic manually:

Step 2:

< proc pixel(z0) {
> proc pixel(x0,y0) {

Step 3:

<   var z = z0*1.2;   // zoom out
>   var x = x0*1.2;   // zoom out
>   var y = y0*1.2;   // zoom out

Step 4:

<     z = z*z + c;
>     var xnew = x**2 - y**2 +;
>     var ynew = 2*x*y +;
>     x = xnew;
>     y = ynew;

Step 5:

<     if****2 >= 16 then // abs(z)>=4 does not work with LLVM
>     if x**2+y**2 >= 16 then

Step 6:

< var stability: [1..n,1..n] int;
> on here.gpus[0] {
>   var stability: [1..n,1..n] int;
> }

Step 7:

< for i in 1..n {
>   @gpu.assertEligible foreach i in 1..n {

Step 8:

<     var point = 2*(j-0.5)/n - 1 + y*1i;
<     stability[i,j] = pixel(point);
>       var x = 2*(j-0.5)/n - 1;
>       stability[i,j] = pixel(x,y);

Here is the full GPU version of the code juliaSetGPU.chpl:

use Time;

config const n = 2_000;   // 2000^2 image
var watch: stopwatch;
config const save = false;

if here.gpus.size == 0 {
  writeln("need a GPU ...");

proc pixel(x0,y0) {
  const c = 0.355 + 0.355i;
  var x = x0*1.2; // zoom out
  var y = y0*1.2; // zoom out
  for i in 1..255 {
    var xnew = x**2 - y**2 +;
    var ynew = 2*x*y +;
    x = xnew;
    y = ynew;
    if x**2+y**2 >= 16 then
      return i;
  return 255;

writeln("Computing ", n, "x", n, " Julia set ...");
on here.gpus[0] {
  var stability: [1..n,1..n] int;
  @gpu.assertEligible foreach i in 1..n {
    var y = 2*(i-0.5)/n - 1;
    for j in 1..n {
      var x = 2*(j-0.5)/n - 1;
      stability[i,j] = pixel(x,y);
writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');

It took 0.017364 seconds on the GPU.

Problem size CPU time in sec GPU time in sec
$2000\times 2000$ 1.64477 0.017372
$4000\times 4000$ 6.5732 0.035302
$8000\times 8000$ 26.1678 0.067307
$16000\times 16000$ 104.212 0.131301

Adding plotting to run on a GPU

Chapel’s Image library lets you write arrays of pixels to a PNG file. The following code – when added to the non-GPU code juliaSetSerial.chpl – writes the array stability to a file 2000.png assuming you

  1. download the colour map in CSV and
  2. add the file sciplot.chpl (pasted below)
writeln("Plotting ...");
use Image, Math, sciplot;
const smin = min reduce(stability);
const smax = max reduce(stability);
var colour: [1..n, 1..n] 3*int;
var cmap = readColourmap('nipy_spectral.csv');   // cmap.domain is {1..256, 1..3}
for i in 1..n {
  for j in 1..n {
    var idx = ((stability[i,j]:real-smin)/(smax-smin)*255):int + 1; //scale to 1..256
    colour[i,j] = ((cmap[idx,1]*255):int, (cmap[idx,2]*255):int, (cmap[idx,3]*255):int);
var pixels = colorToPixel(colour);               // array of pixels
writeImage(n:string+".png", imageType.png, pixels);
writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');
// save this as sciplot.chpl
use IO;
use List;

proc readColourmap(filename: string) {
  var reader = open(filename, ioMode.r).reader();
  var line: string;
  if (!reader.readLine(line)) then   // skip the header
    halt("ERROR: file appears to be empty");
  var dataRows : list(string); // a list of lines from the file
  while (reader.readLine(line)) do   // read all lines into the list
  var cmap: [1..dataRows.size, 1..3] real;
  for (i, row) in zip(1..dataRows.size, dataRows) {
    var c1 = row.find(','):int;    // position of the 1st comma in the line
    var c2 = row.rfind(','):int;   // position of the 2nd comma in the line
    cmap[i,1] = row[0..c1-1]:real;
    cmap[i,2] = row[c1+1..c2-1]:real;
    cmap[i,3] = row[c2+1..]:real;
  return cmap;

Here are the typical timings on a CPU:

Computing 2000x2000 Julia set ...
It took 0.382409 seconds
Plotting ...
It took 0.192508 seconds

This plotting snippet won’t work with the GPU version as there the array stability is defined on the GPU only. You can move the definition of stability to the host, and then the code with plotting on the CPU will work. However, plotting a large heatmap can really benefit from GPU acceleration.

Question `port plotting to a GPU`

This is a take-home exercise: try porting this plotting block to a GPU. On my side, I am running into an issue assigning to a tuple element on a GPU with

colour[i,j] = ((cmap[idx,1]*255):int, (cmap[idx,2]*255):int, (cmap[idx,3]*255):int);

getting a runtime “Error calling CUDA function: an illegal memory access was encountered (Code: 700)”. Image library is still marked unstable, so perhaps this is a bug. No issues running my code on ‘CPU-as-device’.

If you succeed in running this block on a real GPU, please send me your solution.


Reduction operations

Both the prime factorization problem and the Julia set problem compute elements of a large array in parallel on a GPU, but they don’t do any reduction (combining multiple numbers into one). It turns out, you can do reduction operations on a GPU with the usual reduce intent in a parallel loop:

config const n = 1e8: int;
var total = 0.0;
on here.gpus[0] {
  forall i in 1..n with (+ reduce total) do
    total += 1.0 / i**2;
  writef("total = %{###.###############}\n", total);

Alternatively, you can use built-in reduction operations on an array (that must reside in GPU-accessible memory), e.g.

use GPU;
config const n = 1e8: int;
on here.gpus[0] {
  var a: [1..n] real;
  forall i in 1..n do
    a[i] = 1.0 / i**2;
  writef("total = %{###.###############}\n", gpuSumReduce(a));

Other supported array reduction operations on GPUs are gpuMinReduce(), gpuMaxReduce(), gpuMinLocReduce() and gpuMaxLocReduce().