Fire-and-forget tasks
A Chapel program always starts as a single main thread. You can then start concurrent threads with the begin
statement. A thread spawned by the begin
statement will run in a different thread while the main thread
continues its normal execution. Let’s start a new code begin.chpl
with the following lines:
var x = 100;
writeln('This is the main thread starting first thread');
begin {
var count = 0;
while count < 10 {
count += 1;
writeln('thread 1: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread starting second thread');
begin {
var count = 0;
while count < 10 {
count += 1;
writeln('thread 2: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread, I am done ...');
$ chpl begin.chpl -o begin
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread starting first thread
This is the main thread starting second thread
This is the main thread, I am done ...
thread 2: 101
thread 1: 101
thread 2: 102
thread 1: 102
thread 2: 103
thread 1: 103
thread 2: 104
thread 1: 109
thread 2: 109
thread 1: 110
thread 2: 110
As you can see the order of the output is not what we would expected, and actually it is somewhat unpredictable. This is a well known effect of concurrent threads accessing the same shared resource at the same time (in this case the screen); the system decides in which order the threads could write to the screen.
- What would happen if in the last code we move the definition of
into the main thread, but try to assign it from threads 1 and 2?Answer: we’ll get an error at compilation (“cannot assign to const variable”), since then
would belong to the > main thread (would be defined within the scope of the main thread), and we could modify its value only in the main > thread.
- What would happen if we try to insert a second definition
var x = 10;
inside the firstbegin
statement?Answer: that will actually work, as we’ll simply create another, local instance of
with its own value.
Key idea
All variables have a scope in which they can be used. Variables declared inside a concurrent thread are accessible only by that thread. Variables declared in the main thread can be read everywhere, but Chapel won’t allow other concurrent threads to modify them.
Are the concurrent threads, spawned by the last code, running truly in parallel?
Answer: it depends on the number of cores available to your job. If you have a single core, they’ll run concurrently, with the CPU switching between the threads. If you have two cores, thread1 and thread2 will likely run in parallel using the two cores.
Key idea
To maximize performance, start as many threads as the number of available cores.
A slightly more structured way to start concurrent threads in Chapel is by using the cobegin
statement. Here you can
start a block of concurrent threads, one for each statement inside the curly brackets. Another difference between
the begin
and cobegin
statements is that with the cobegin
, all the spawned threads are synchronized at the end of
the statement, i.e. the main thread won’t continue its execution until all threads are done. Let’s start cobegin.chpl
var x = 0;
writeln('This is the main thread, my value of x is ', x);
cobegin {
var x = 5;
writeln('This is thread 1, my value of x is ', x);
writeln('This is thread 2, my value of x is ', x);
writeln('This message will not appear until all threads are done ...');
$ chpl cobegin.chpl -o cobegin
$ sed -i -e 's|begin|cobegin|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread, my value of x is 0
This is thread 2, my value of x is 0
This is thread 1, my value of x is 5
This message will not appear until all threads are done...
As you may have concluded from the Discussion exercise above, the variables declared inside a thread are accessible only by the thread, while those variables declared in the main thread are accessible to all threads.
Another, and one of the most useful ways to start concurrent/parallel threads in Chapel, is the coforall
loop. This is a combination of the for-loop and the cobegin
statements. The general syntax is:
coforall index in iterand
This will start a new thread for each iteration. Each thread will then perform all the instructions inside the curly
brackets. Each thread will have a copy of the loop variable index with the corresponding value yielded by the
iterand. This index allows us to customize the set of instructions for each particular thread. Let’s write
var x = 10;
config var numthreads = 2;
writeln('This is the main thread: x = ', x);
coforall threadid in 1..numthreads do {
var count = threadid**2;
writeln('this is thread ', threadid, ': my value of count is ', count, ' and x is ', x);
writeln('This message will not appear until all threads are done ...');
$ chpl coforall.chpl -o coforall
$ sed -i -e 's|cobegin|coforall --numthreads=5|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread: x = 10
this is thread 1: my value of c is 1 and x is 10
this is thread 2: my value of c is 4 and x is 10
this is thread 4: my value of c is 16 and x is 10
this is thread 3: my value of c is 9 and x is 10
this is thread 5: my value of c is 25 and x is 10
This message will not appear until all threads are done ...
Notice the random order of the print statements. And notice how, once again, the variables declared
outside the coforall
can be read by all threads, while the variables declared inside, are available
only to the particular thread.
Exercise “Task.1”
Would it be possible to print all the messages in the right order? Modify the code in the last example as required and save it as
. Hint: you can use an array of strings declared in the main thread, into which all the concurrent threads could write their messages in the right order. Then, at the end, have the main thread print all elements of the array.
Exercise “Task.2”
Consider the following code
to find the maximum array element. Complete this code, and also time thecoforall
loop.use Random, Time; config const nelem = 1e8: int; var x: [1..nelem] int; fillRandom(x); // fill array with random numbers var gmax = 0; config const numthreads = 2; // let's pretend we have 2 cores const n = nelem / numthreads; // number of elements per thread const r = nelem - n*numthreads; // these elements did not fit into the last thread var lmax: [1..numthreads] int; // local maxima for each thread coforall threadid in 1..numthreads do { var start, finish: int; start = ... finish = ... ... compute lmax for this thread ... } // put largest lmax into gmax for threadid in 1..numthreads do // a serial loop if lmax[threadid] > gmax then gmax = lmax[threadid]; writef('The maximum value in x is %14.12dr\n', gmax); // formatted output writeln('It took ', watch.elapsed(), ' seconds');
Write a parallel code to find the maximum value in the array
. Be careful: the number of threads should not be excessive. Best to usenumthreads
to organize parallel loops. For each thread compute thestart
indices of its array elements and cycle through them to find the local maximum. Then in the main thread cycle through all local maxima to find the global maximum.
Run the code of last Exercise using different number of threads, and different sizes of the array
to see how the execution time changes. For example:$ ./gmax --nelem=100_000_000 --numthreads=1
Discuss your observations. Is there a limit on how fast the code could run?
Answer: (1) consider a small problem, increasing the number of threads => no speedup (2) consider a large problem, increasing the number of threads => speedup up to the physical number of cores
Try this…
Substitute your addition to the code to find gmax in the last exercise with:
gmax = max reduce x; // 'max' is one of the reduce operators (data parallelism example)
Time the execution of the original code and this new one. How do they compare?
Answer: the built-in reduction operation runs in parallel utilizing all cores.
Key idea
It is always a good idea to check whether there is built-in functions or methods in the used language, that can do what we want as efficiently (or better) than our house-made code. In this case, the reduce statement reduces the given array to a single number using the operation
, and it is parallelized. Here is the full list of reduce operations: + * && || & | ^ min max.