Synchronization of threads

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sync block

The keyword sync provides all sorts of mechanisms to synchronize threads in Chapel. We can simply use sync to force the parent thread to stop and wait until its spawned child-thread ends. Consider this sync1.chpl:

var x = 0;
writeln('This is the main thread starting a synchronous thread');
sync {
  begin {
	var count = 0;
	while count < 10 {
	  count += 1;
	  writeln('thread 1: ', x + count);
writeln('The first thread is done ...');
writeln('This is the main thread starting an asynchronous thread');
begin {
  var count = 0;
  while count < 10 {
	count += 1;
	writeln('thread 2: ', x + count);
writeln('This is the main thread, I am done ...');
$ chpl sync1.chpl -o sync1
$ sed -i -e 's|gmax|sync1|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
This is the main thread starting a synchronous thread
thread 1: 1
thread 1: 2
thread 1: 3
thread 1: 4
thread 1: 5
thread 1: 6
thread 1: 7
thread 1: 8
thread 1: 9
thread 1: 10
The first thread is done ...
This is the main thread starting an asynchronous thread
This is the main thread, I am done ...
thread 2: 1
thread 2: 2
thread 2: 3
thread 2: 4
thread 2: 5
thread 2: 6
thread 2: 7
thread 2: 8
thread 2: 9
thread 2: 10


What would happen if we swap sync and begin in the first thread:

begin {
  sync {
    var c = 0;
    while c < 10 {
      c += 1;
      writeln('thread 1: ', x + c);
writeln('The first thread is done ...');

Discuss your observations.

Answer: sync would have no effect on the rest of the program. We only pause the execution of the first thread, until all statements inside sync {} are completed – but this does not affect the main and the second threads: they keep on running.

Exercise “Task.3”

Use begin and sync statements to reproduce the functionality of cobegin in cobegin.chpl, i.e., the main thread should not continue until both threads 1 and 2 are completed.

sync variables

A more elaborated and powerful use of sync is as a type qualifier for variables. When a variable is declared as sync, a state that can be full or empty is associated with it.

To assign a new value to a sync variable, its state must be empty (after the assignment operation is completed, the state will be set as full). On the contrary, to read a value from a sync variable, its state must be full (after the read operation is completed, the state will be set as empty again).

var x: sync int;
writeln('this is the main thread launching a new thread');
begin {
  for i in 1..10 do
    writeln('this is the new thread working: ', i);
  x.writeEF(2);   // write the value, state changes from Empty to Full
  writeln('New thread finished');
writeln('this is the main thread after launching new thread ... I will wait until x is full');
x.readFE();         // read the value, state changes from Full to Empty
writeln('and now it is done');
$ chpl sync2.chpl -o sync2
$ sed -i -e 's|sync1|sync2|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
this is main thread launching a new thread
this is main thread after launching new thread ... I will wait until x is full
this is new thread working: 1
this is new thread working: 2
this is new thread working: 3
this is new thread working: 4
this is new thread working: 5
this is new thread working: 6
this is new thread working: 7
this is new thread working: 8
this is new thread working: 9
this is new thread working: 10
New thread finished
and now it is done

Here the main thread does not continue until the variable is full and can be read.

  • Let’s add another line x.readFE(); – now it is stuck since we cannot read x while it’s empty!
  • Let’s add x.writeEF(5); right before the last x.readFE(); – now we set is to full again (and assigned 5), and it can be read again.

There are a number of methods defined for sync variables. Suppose x is a sync variable of a given type:

// general methods
x.reset() - set the state as empty and the value as the default of x's type
x.isfull() - return true is the state of x is full, false if it is empty

// blocking read and write methods
x.writeEF(value) - block until the state of x is empty, then assign the value and
                   set the state to full
x.writeFF(value) - block until the state of x is full, then assign the value and
                   leave the state as full
x.readFE() - block until the state of x is full, then return x's value and set
             the state to empty
x.readFF() - block until the state of x is full, then return x's value and
             leave the state as full

// non-blocking read and write methods
x.writeXF(value) - assign the value no matter the state of x, then set the state as full
x.readXX() - return the value of x regardless its state; the state will remain unchanged

Atomic variables

Chapel also implements atomic operations with variables declared as atomic, and this provides another option to synchronize threads. Atomic operations run completely independently of any other thread or process. This means that when several threads try to write an atomic variable, only one will succeed at a given moment, providing implicit synchronization between them. There is a number of methods defined for atomic variables, among them sub(), add(), write(), read(), and waitfor() are very useful to establish explicit synchronization between threads, as shown in the next code atomic.chpl:

var lock: atomic int;
const numthreads = 5;

lock.write(0);               // the main thread set lock to zero

coforall id in 1..numthreads {
  writeln('greetings form thread ', id, '... I am waiting for all threads to say hello');
  lock.add(1);               // thread id says hello and atomically adds 1 to lock
  lock.waitFor(numthreads);  // then it waits for lock to be equal numthreads (which will happen when all threads say hello)
  writeln('thread ', id, ' is done ...');
$ chpl atomic.chpl -o atomic
$ sed -i -e 's|sync2|atomic|'
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
greetings form thread 4... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 5... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 2... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 3... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
greetings form thread 1... I am waiting for all threads to say hello
thread 1 is done...
thread 5 is done...
thread 2 is done...
thread 3 is done...
thread 4 is done...

Try this…

Comment out the line lock.waitfor(numthreads) in the code above to clearly observe the effect of the thread synchronization.

Finally, with all the material studied so far, we should be ready to parallelize our code for the simulation of the heat transfer equation.