Single-locale data parallelism

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As we mentioned in the previous section, Data Parallelism is a style of parallel programming in which parallelism is driven by computations over collections of data elements or their indices. The main tool for this in Chapel is a forall loop – it’ll create an appropriate number of threads to execute a loop, dividing the loop’s iterations between them.

forall index in iterand   \\ iterating over all elements of an array or over a range of indices

What is the appropriate number of tasks?

  • on a single core: single task
  • on multiple cores on the same nodes: all cores, up to the number of elements or iterations
  • on multiple cores on multiple nodes: all cores, up to the problem size, given the data distribution

Consider a simple code test.chpl:

const n = 1e6: int;
var A: [1..n] real;
forall a in A do
  a += 1;

In this code we update all elements of the array A. The code will run on a single node, lauching as many threads as the number of available cores. It is thread-safe, meaning that no two threads are writing into the same variable at the same time.

  • if we replace forall with for, we’ll get a serial loop on a sigle core
  • if we replace forall with coforall, we’ll create 1e6 threads (likely an overkill!)

Consider a simple code forall.chpl that we’ll run inside a 3-core interactive job. We have a range of indices 1..1000, and they get broken into groups that are processed by different threads:

var count = 0;
forall i in 1..1000 with (+ reduce count) {   // parallel loop
  count += i;
writeln('count = ', count);

If we have not done so, let’s write a script for submitting single-locale, two-core Chapel jobs:

#SBATCH --time=0:5:0         # walltime in d-hh:mm or hh:mm:ss format
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=1000   # in MB
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --output=solution.out
$ module load arch/avx2   # not necessary, unless you land on an avx512 node
$ module load gcc/9.3.0 chapel-multicore
$ chpl forall.chpl -o forall
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
count = 500500

We computed the sum of integers from 1 to 1000 in parallel. How many cores did the code run on? Looking at the code or its output, we don’t know. Most likely, on two cores available to us inside the job. But we can actually check that! Do this:

  1. replace count += i; with count = 1;
  2. change the last line to writeln('actual number of threads = ', count);
$ chpl forall.chpl -o forall
$ sbatch
$ cat solution.out
actual number of threads = 2

If you see one thread, try running this code as a batch multi-core job.

Exercise “Data.1”

Using the first version of forall.chpl (where we computed the sum of integers 1..1000) as a template, write a Chapel code to compute pi by calculating the integral (see slides) numerically through summation using forall parallelism. Implement the number of intervals as config variable.

Hint: to get you started, here is a serial version of this code:

config const n = 1000;
var h, total: real;
h = 1.0 / n;                          // interval width
for i in 1..n {
  var x = h * ( i - 0.5 );
  total += 4.0 / ( 1.0 + x**2);
writef('pi is %3.10r\n', total*h);    // C-style formatted write, r stands for real

We finish this section by providing an example of how you can organize a data-parallel, shared-memory forall loop for the 2D heat transfer solver (without writing the full code):

config const rows = 100, cols = 100;
const rowStride = 34, colStride = 25;    // each block has 34 rows and 25 columns => 3x4 blocks
forall (r,c) in {1..rows,1..cols} by (rowStride,colStride) do {   // nested c-loop inside r-loop
																  // 12 iterations, up to 12 threads
  for i in r..min(r+rowStride-1,rows) do {     // serial i-loop inside each block
	for j in c..min(c+colStride-1,cols) do {   // serial j-loop inside each block
	  Tnew[i,j] = 0.25 * (T[i-1,j] + T[i+1,j] + T[i,j-1] + T[i,j+1]);