As you just saw, Python’s lists are ordered sets of objects that you access via their position/index. Dictionaries are unordered sets in which the objects are accessed via their keys. In other words, dictionaries are unordered key-value pairs.
Consider two lists:
names = ['Mary', 'John', 'Eric', 'Jeff', 'Anne'] # people
colours = ['orange', 'green', 'turquoise', 'burgundy', 'turquoise'] # and their respective favourite colours
There is nothing connecting these two lists, as far as figuring a person’s favourite colour goes. You could do something like this using indices:
but this is a little too convoluted … A dictionary can help you connect the two datasets directly:
fav = {} # start with an empty dictionary
for name, colour in zip(names, colours): # go through both lists simultaneously
fav[name] = colour
fav # {'Mary': 'orange', 'John': 'green', 'Eric': 'turquoise', 'Jeff': 'burgundy', 'Anne': 'turquoise'}
fav['John'] # returns 'green'
fav['Mary'] # returns 'orange'
for key in fav:
print(key, fav[key]) # will print the names (keys) and the colours (values)
You can also cycle using .keys()
, .values()
and .items()
for k in fav.keys():
print(k, fav[k]) # the same as above
for v in fav.values():
print(v) # cycle through the values
for i, j in fav.items():
print(i,j) # both the names and the colours
Question 7.1
Merge two Python dictionaries
f1 = {'Mary': 'orange', 'John': 'green', 'Eric': 'turquoise'}
f2 = {'Jeff': 'burgundy', 'Anne': 'turquoise'}
into one. There are many solutions – you can google this problem. Start with:
fav = f1.copy() # create a copy of f1
There are other ways to organize the same information using dictionaries. For example, you can create a list of dictionaries, one dictionary per person:
names = ['Mary', 'John', 'Eric', 'Jeff', 'Anne'] # people names
colours = ['orange', 'green', 'turquoise', 'burgundy', 'turquoise'] # and their respective favourite colours
ages = [25, 23, 27, 32, 26] # let's include a third attribute
data = []
for name, colour, age in zip(names, colours, ages): # go through both lists simultaneously
data.append({'name': name, 'colour': colour, 'age': age})
person = data[0]
print(person["name"], person["colour"])
The benefit of this approach is that you can have many more attributes per person than just name
, and this is a very common way to organize structured and/or hierarchical data in Python. The
downside is that – to search for by name – you have to do it explicitly:
for person in data:
if person["name"]=="Jeff": print(person["colour"], person["age"])
or in a single line:
[(person["colour"], person["age"]) for person in data if person["name"]=="Jeff"]
Finally, if you want performance, you might want to consider the following approach:
for i in filter(lambda x: x%2 == 0, range(1,11)):
Here we:
- apply the lambda (anonymous) function
lambda x: x%2 == 0
to each item inrange(1,11)
; it returns True or False, - create an iterator yielding only those items in
for which the lambda function produced True, and - cycle through this iterator.
Using this approach, we can create an iterator of all people matching a name:
list(filter(lambda person: person["name"] == "Jeff", data))
Here we:
- apply the lambda function
lambda person: person["name"] == "Jeff"
to each item in the listdata
; it returns True or False, - create an iterator yielding only those items in
for which the lambda function produced True, and - create a list from this iterator, in this case containing only one element.
Question 7.2
Write a (one-line) code to filter out all people who’s favourite colour is turquoise.Going back to the basics, you can see where dictionary got its name:
concepts = {}
concepts['list'] = 'an ordered collection of values'
concepts['dictionary'] = 'a collection of key-value pairs'
Let’s modify values:
concepts['list'] = concepts['list'] + ' - very simple'
concepts['dictionary'] = concepts['dictionary'] + ' - used widely in Python'
Deleting dictionary items:
concepts.pop('list') # remove the key 'list' and its value
Values can also be numerical:
grades = {}
grades['mary'] = 5
grades['john'] = 4.5
And so can be the keys:
grades[1] = 2
“Sorting” dictionary items
Let’s go back to our original dictionary:
fav = {'Mary': 'orange', 'John': 'green', 'Eric': 'turquoise', 'Jeff': 'burgundy', 'Anne': 'turquoise'}
sorted(fav) # returns the sorted list of keys
sorted(fav.keys()) # the same
sorted(fav.values()) # returns the sorted list of values
for k in sorted(fav):
print(k, fav[k]) # full dictionary sorted by key
Question 7.3
Write a script to print the full dictionary (keys and values) sorted by the value.
Hint: create a list comprehension looping through all (key,value) pairs and then try sorting the result.
Dictionary comprehensions
Similar to list comprehensions, we can form a dictionary comprehension:
{k:'.'*k for k in range(10)}
{k:v*2 for (k,v) in zip(range(10),range(10))}
{j:c for j,c in enumerate('computer')}