Web scraping

Web scraping refers to extracting data from the web in a semi-automatic fashion. There is some programming involved, but Python web-scraping tools attempt to make this as painless as possible.

import requests                 # to download the html data from a site
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup   # to parse these html data
import pandas as pd             # to store our data in a dataframe

url = "https://arxiv.org/list/econ/new"
r = requests.get(url)
r   # <Response [200]> means our request was successful

print(r.text[:200])   # the first 200 characters in the raw data

mainpage = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
mainpage.prettify()   # still very messy ...

There is a lot of text there, and it’s not particularly readable even after .prettify()! At this point we need to identify relevant markers in the HTML from which we could extract interesting data. There are several ways of doing this, e.g. you can use SelectorGadget bookmarklet on your site and mouse over various elements on the page, but here I will just look at the HTML source.

In Firefox I load https://arxiv.org/list/econ/new, select Tools | Browser Tools | Page Source and then try to identify relevant tags. For example, I might see some useful text inside the <div> container tag:

<div class="list-title mathjax">
<span class="descriptor">Title:</span> This is the first article's title

Let’s search for all <div> tags with an attribute class starting with “list-title”:

divs = mainpage.findAll("div", attrs={'class':'list-title'})
len(divs)   # number of article titles on this page

Let’s inspect the first title:

div[0].text           # get the actual text inside this container
div[0].text.strip()   # remove leading and trailing whitespaces and end-of-line characters
div[0].text.strip().replace('Title: ', '')

We can wrap this in a loop through all titles:

for div in divs:
    print(div.text.strip().replace('Title: ', ''))

Let’s store our data in a dataframe with three columns:

titles = []
divs = mainpage.findAll("div", attrs={'class':'list-title'})
for div in divs:
    titles.append(div.text.strip().replace('Title: ', ''))

authors = []
divs = mainpage.findAll("div", attrs={'class':'list-authors'})
for div in divs:
    authors.append(div.text.strip().replace('Authors:', '').replace('\n', ''))

subjects = []
divs = mainpage.findAll("div", attrs={'class':'list-subjects'})
for div in divs:
    subjects.append(div.text.strip().replace('Subjects: ', ''))

d = {'titles': titles, 'authors': authors, 'subjects': subjects}
papers = pd.DataFrame(d)

Finally, let’s filter articles based on a topic:

mask = ["Machine Learning" in subject for subject in papers.subjects]
Topic 13.1 Create a list of abstracts from today’s articles on https://arxiv.org/list/econ/new – no titles, authors, keywords, just abstracts. Print the first 5 elements of this list. Paste the entire Python code to do this from start to finish.