Parallelizing the Julia set with Base.Threads
The project is the mathematical problem to compute a Julia set – no relation to Julia language! A Julia set is defined as a set of points on the complex plane that remain bound under infinite recursive transformation $f(z)$. We will use the traditional form $f(z)=z^2+c$, where $c$ is a complex constant. Here is our algorithm:
- pick a point $z_0\in\mathbb{C}$
- compute iterations $z_{i+1}=z_i^2+c$ until $|z_i|>4$ (arbitrary fixed radius; here $c$ is a complex constant)
- store the iteration number $\xi(z_0)$ at which $z_i$ reaches the circle $|z|=4$
- limit max iterations at 255
4.1 if $\xi(z_0)=255$, then $z_0$ is a stable point
4.2 the quicker a point diverges, the lower its $\xi(z_0)$ is - plot $\xi(z_0)$ for all $z_0$ in a rectangular region $-1<=\mathfrak{Re}(z_0)<=1$, $-1<=\mathfrak{Im}(z_0)<=1$
We should get something conceptually similar to this figure (here $c = 0.355 + 0.355i$; we’ll get drastically different fractals for different values of $c$):
Note: you might want to try these values too:
- $c = 1.2e^{1.1πi}$ $~\Rightarrow~$ original textbook example
- $c = -0.4-0.59i$ and 1.5X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ denser spirals
- $c = 1.34-0.45i$ and 1.8X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ beans
- $c = 0.34-0.05i$ and 1.2X zoom-out $~\Rightarrow~$ connected spiral boots
Below is the serial code juliaSetSerial.jl
. If you are running Julia on your own computer, make sure you
have the required packages:
] add BenchmarkTools
] add Plots
Let’s study the code:
using BenchmarkTools
function pixel(z)
c = 0.355 + 0.355im
z *= 1.2 # zoom out
for i = 1:255
z = z^2 + c
if abs(z) >= 4
return i
return 255
const height, width = repeat([2_000],2) # 2000^2 image
println("Computing Julia set ...")
const stability = zeros(Int32, height, width);
@btime for i in 1:height, j in 1:width
point = (2*(j-0.5)/width-1) + (2*(i-0.5)/height-1)im # rescale to -1:1 in the complex plane
stability[i,j] = pixel(point)
println("Plotting to PNG ...")
using Plots
gr() # initialize the gr backend
ENV["GKSwstype"] = "100" # operate in headless mode
fname = "$(height)x$(width)"
png(heatmap(stability, size=(width,height), color=:gist_ncar), fname)
Let’s run this code with julia juliaSetSerial.jl
. On my laptop it reports 931.024 ms.
function juliaSet(height, width)
stability = zeros(Int32, height, width);
for i in 1:height, j in 1:width
point = (2*(j-0.5)/width-1) + (2*(i-0.5)/height-1)im # rescale to -1:1 in the complex plane
stability[i,j] = pixel(point)
println("Computing Julia set ...")
@btime juliaSet(2000, 2000)
println("Writing NetCDF ...")
using NetCDF
filename = ""
isfile(filename) && rm(filename)
nccreate(filename, "stability", "x", collect(1:height), "y", collect(1:width), t=NC_INT, mode=NC_NETCDF4, compress=9);
ncwrite(stability, filename, "stability");
This code will produce the file
that you can download to your computer and render with ParaView or
other visualization tool.
Exercise “Fractal.1”
Try one of these:
- With NetCDF output, compare the expected and actual file sizes.
- Try other values of the parameter $c$ (see above).
- Increase the problem size from the default $2000^2$. Will you have enough physical memory for $8000^2$? How does this affect the runtime?
If computing takes forever, recall that
runs the code multiple times, while@time
does it only once. Also, you might like a progress bar inside the terminal:using ProgressMeter @showprogress <for loop>
- Load Base.Threads.
- Add
before the outer loop, and time this parallel loop.
On my laptop with 8 threads the timing is 193.942 ms (4.8X speedup) which is good but not great – certainly worse than linear speedup … The speedup on the training cluster is not great either. There could be several potential problems:
- False sharing effect (cache issues with multiple threads writing into adjacent array elements).
- Less than perfect load balancing between different threads.
- Row-major vs. column-major loop order for filling in the
array. - Some CPU cores are lower efficiency, and they are slowing down the whole calculation.
Take-home exercise “Fractal.2”
How would you fix this issue? If you manage to get close to 100% parallel efficiency with Base.Threads on multiple cores, we would love to see your solution! Please only check the solution once you have worked on the problem yourself.
Take-home exercise “Fractal.3”
Build a 3D cube based on the Julia set where the 3rd axis would be a slowly varying
constant. For example, try to interpolate linearly between $c = 0.355 + 0.355i$ and $c = 1.34-0.45i$, or between any other two complex values. Send us an animation traversing your volume once you are done. What highest cube resolution could you compute?